Managing pay-per-click campaigns is like playing poker: it's easy to get started, but unless you work hard to gain proficiency, it's also easy to lose - big. And it takes years of study and practice to consistently win big. Cyber Factor experts have studied and practiced direct response and paid search advertising for many years. We were among the first companies to specialize in exclusivity PPC and territorial social networking. We've provided web testing and private consultation to many small and mid-size companies. We've mastered the art and science of Monetizing Muti Traffic and Exclusive Links - the art of writing persuasive advertisement and landing page copy, and the science of mastering the technical tools and obsessively analyzing campaign data. Most importantly, we've developed proprietary techniques and software tools (like dynamically-generated, customized landing pages) that give our clients an important edge over their competition. That's how we've obtained stunning results like the ones you'll find very soon in our print publications. If you're new to paid search advertising, then jump ahead and read more about us our services and methodology in detail.

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__________ Knee Rider. Click to purchase_______
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